Chris Marble wrote:
>I've been running mprime on Linux for a bit less than 2
>years now. I was looking at the directory on one box
>and found some ancient files:

>These are from a dual CPU box.  The leading m suggests
>they're from factoring but but file sizes are 3.5 to 3.9 MB.

These are from P-1 runs... not factoring...  The first letter
will determine the test... E = ECM... M = P-1...
P = Trial-Factoring OR L-L...  Trial-factoring files are
always 32 bytes...

The fact that they are 3.5 to 3.9 MB indicates... that they
all are P-1 tests in progress... and not completed...
Prime95 (and MPrime) will delete P-1 files automatically
if run as part of the L-L test...  If they were P-1 tests
run by themselves... and completed... they would be from
1.75 to 2 MB...

You are correct... however... in assuming that E=14 and
F=15... in this case...  To check what happened to these
exponents and the results... and whether they were reported
to PrimeNet... you will have to look at the RESU0001.TXT and
PRIM0001.LOG...  RESU0001.TXT will give whatever results
Prime95/Mprime came up with... and PRIM0001.LOG will tell
what results... in any... were reported to PrimeNet...

>What happened that these files were left around a year ago?

If the P-1 was part of an L-L test... there could've been
a crash or something... that prevented Prime95/Mprime from
completing the tests... and therefore not deleting the files...


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