On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 01:04:10PM -0800, Chris Marble wrote:

> I've been running mprime on Linux for a bit less than 2 years now.
> I was looking at the directory on one box and found some ancient files:
> mE013037.001
> mF320219.001
> mF550789.001
> mF614243.001
> mF687599.001
> These are from a dual CPU box.  The leading m suggests they're from
> factoring but but file sizes are 3.5 to 3.9 MB...

They'll be P-1 save files.

> There's been a database
> sync so I don't have results for 14013037 (assuming E=14, F=15) on my page.
> Where would I check to see that all these exponents had been completed so
> I could delete these old files?

They've probably had a first time test, but are unlikely to have been DCed. 
The file ftp://mersenne.org/lucas_v.zip will tell you, but I don't one which
is up-to-date, and it's a multimegabyte download.

I do have the the latest pminus1.txt file, though, and these exponents
aren't listed.

> What happened that these files were left around a year ago?

They shouldn't have an extension, so I'm gessing.   Backup and restore? 
Recovered from a damaged filesystem?

My recommendation would be to complete the P-1 as though
they were DCs.  Just remove the extensions and put Pfactor=exponent,66,1
into your P-1 factory's worktodo file.

> -- 
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - HMC UNIX Systems Manager
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