Robert Braunwart wrote:
>I'm having trouble with one of my computer contacting PrimeNet.
>It is supposed to connect every day, but hasn't connected for
>two weeks.  I get the Error 29 message.  I have looked at the
>explanation for Error 29 at PrimeNet, but none of the four
>possibilities apply to me.  I am running Prime95 v. 21.4 and
>have not upgraded in a long time.  Also, I have been running
>Prime95 on this computer for a long time.  Any suggestions?


  The message forwarding service is still obviously down.... :-(
George was going to ask Scott if he could get Entropia to 
restart the service again... about a week ago...  It still
hasn't been apparently... since a number of clients I have,
haven't been able to contact the server since June 27th...

  Hopefully, the service can be restarted in the next two
weeks... or there could be a considerable amount of 
re-assignments of exponents by PrimeNet...

  The best solution might be upgrading to v22, but again,
unfortunately, that may not be possilbe for a number of users,
who don't have access to certain clients anymore...  In which
case, there COULD BE... a significant decrease in computing
power to the project.... :-(


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