It looks like the fog factor for per-pixel fog is calculated backwards.
This has been a problem in every version I have tried from 3.0 to 3.1b3.

With GL_FASTEST, fog is fine.  With GL_NICEST, fog decreases with
distance:  I tried a linear step function at 0.5 (start==0.5 end==0.5001)
and although the cutoff was in the same place as with GL_FASTEST, the
objects farther away were still visible.

(OpenGL, by the way, performs correctly with the same code.  It is also
unrelated to the depth of the Z-buffer.)

------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jeremy Meredith                           |   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory    |   phone: (925) 422-1197
P.O. Box 808  L-98                        |   fax  : (925) 422-3389
Livermore, CA 94550                       |   loc  : bldg 132N room 1025

Mesa-bug maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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