On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Jason Ekstrand <ja...@jlekstrand.net>

> On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org>
> wrote:
>> On 09/11/2017 11:17 PM, Kenneth Graunke wrote:
>> > On Monday, September 11, 2017 9:23:05 PM PDT Ian Romanick wrote:
>> >> On 09/08/2017 01:59 AM, Kenneth Graunke wrote:
>> >>> On Thursday, September 7, 2017 4:26:04 PM PDT Jordan Justen wrote:
>> >>>> On 2017-09-06 14:12:41, Daniel Schürmann wrote:
>> >>>>> Hello together!
>> >>>>> Recently, we had a small discussion (off the list) about the NIR
>> >>>>> serialization, which was previously discussed in [RFC] ARB_gl_spirv
>> and
>> >>>>> NIR backend for radeonsi.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> As this topic could be interesting to more people, I would like to
>> >>>>> share, what was talked about so far (You might want to read from
>> bottom up).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> TL;DR:
>> >>>>> - NIR serialization is in demand for shader cache
>> >>>>> - could be done either directly (NIR binary form) or via SPIR-V
>> >>>>> - Ian et al. are working on GLSL IR -> SPIR-V transformation, which
>> >>>>> could be adapted for a NIR -> SPIR-V pass
>> >>>>> - in NIR representation, some type information is lost
>> >>>>> - thus, a serialization via SPIR-V could NOT be a glslang
>> alternative
>> >>>>> (otoh, the GLSL IR->SPIR-V pass could), but only for spirv-opt (if
>> the
>> >>>>> output is valid SPIR-V)
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Ian,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Tim was suggesting that we might look at serializing nir for the i965
>> >>>> shader cache. Based on this email, it sounds like serialized nir
>> would
>> >>>> not be enough for the shader cache as some GLSL type info would be
>> >>>> lost. It sounds like GLSL IR => SPIR-V would be good enough. Is that
>> >>>> right?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I don't think we have a strict requirement for the GLSL IR => SPIR-V
>> >>>> path for GL 4.6, right? So, this is more of a 'nice-to-have'?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I'm not sure we'd want to make i965 shader cache depend on a
>> >>>> nice-to-have feature. (Unless we're pretty sure it'll be available
>> >>>> soon.)
>> >>>>
>> >>>> But, it would be nice to not have to fallback to compiling the GLSL
>> >>>> for i965 shader cache, so it would be worth waiting a little bit to
>> be
>> >>>> able to rely on a SPIR-V serialization of the GLSL IR.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> What do you suggest?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> -Jordan
>> >>>
>> >>> We shouldn't use SPIR-V for the shader cache.
>> >>>
>> >>> The compilation process for GLSL is: GLSL -> GLSL IR -> NIR -> i965
>> IRs.
>> >>> Storing the content at one of those points, and later loading it and
>> >>> resuming the normal compilation process from that point...that's
>> totally
>> >>> reasonable.
>> >>>
>> >>> Having a fallback for "some things in the cache but not all the
>> variants
>> >>> we needed" suddenly take a different compilation pipeline, i.e. SPIR-V
>> >>> -> NIR -> ... seems risky.  It's a different compilation path that we
>> >>> don't normally use.  And one you'd only hit in limited circumstances.
>> >>> There's a lot of potential for really obscure bugs.
>> >>
>> >> Since we're going to expose exactly that path for GL_ARB_spirv / OpenGL
>> >> 4.6, we'd better make sure it works always.  Right?
>> >
>> > In addition to the old pipeline:
>> >
>> > - GLSL from the app -> GLSL IR -> NIR -> i965 IR
>> >
>> > GL_ARB_spirv and OpenGL 4.6 add a second pipeline:
>> >
>> > - SPIR-V from the app -> NIR -> i965 IR
>> >
>> > Both of those absolutely have to work.  But these:
>> >
>> > - GLSL -> GLSL IR -> NIR -> SPIR-V -> NIR -> i965 IRs
>> > - GLSL -> GLSL IR -> SPIR-V -> NIR -> i965 IRs
>> >
>> > aren't required to work, or even be supported.  It makes a lot of sense
>> > to support them - both for testing purposes, and as an alternative to
>> > glslang, for a broader tooling ecosystem.
>> >
>> > The thing that concerns me is that if you use SPIR-V for the cache, you
>> > need these paths to not just work, but be _indistinguishable_ from one
>> > another:
>> >
>> > - GLSL -> GLSL IR -> NIR -> ...
>> > - GLSL -> GLSL IR -> NIR -> SPIR-V, then SPIR-V -> NIR -> ...
>> >
>> > Otherwise the original compile and partially-cached recompile might have
>> > different properties.  For example, if the the SPIR-V step messes with
>> > variables or instruction ordering a little, it could trip up the loop
>> > unroller so the original compiler gets unrolled, and the recompile from
>> > partial cache doesn't get unrolled.  I don't want to have to debug that.
>> That is a very compelling argument.  If we want Mesa to be an
>> alternative to glslang, I think we would like to have that property, but
>> it's not a hard requirement for that use case.
> I also find that argument rather compelling.  The SPIR-V -> NIR pass is
> *not* a simple pass.  It does piles of lowering and things on-the-fly as
> well as creating temporary variables for various things.  The best we could
> hope to guarnatee would be that NIR -> SPIR-V -> NIR -> vars_to_ssa -> CSE
> is idempotent.  Even that might be a bit of a stretch.

I was talking to Jordan about this in person this morning and one other
roadblock for using SPIR-V cropped up.  The place where we really want to
cache the NIR for highest effectiveness would be right after calling
brw_create_nir in brw_link_shader.  At this point in the process, a lot of
lowering has been done to NIR intrinsics which have no SPIR-V equivalent.
If we wanted to serialize the NIR as SPIR-V, we would either have to do it
much higher up in the pipeline and lose quite a bit of the benefit, or add
a NIR extension to SPIR-V that provides those extra intrinsics.  Adding
such a SPIR-V extension and relevant headers and to/from NIR code is
probably at least 2x the code of writing a nir_serialize pass.

> > One could avoid this by making the original compile always go through
>> > SPIR-V, and just drop glsl_to_nir altogether, so both take the same
>> > paths.  But...it's kind of an unnecessary step in the common case...
>> We may eventually partially do that, but that shouldn't block (any)
>> other work.  In the short term it would likely add compile overhead that
>> many would find unacceptable... by virtue of being non-zero.
>> > Just serializing/reading back the NIR and resuming the compile from the
>> > exact same IR would also solve that problem.
>> >
>> > Or, just being -really- careful with the translator, I guess...
>> >
>> >> One nice thing about SPIR-V is that all of the handling of uniform
>> >> layouts, initial uniform values, attribute locations, etc. is already
>> >> serialized.  If I'm not mistaken, that was one of the big pain points
>> >> for all of the existing on-disk storage methods.  All of that has been
>> >> sorted out for SPIR-V, and we have to make it work anyway.
>> >
>> > That is pretty nice.  I don't recall it being that painful, but, not
>> > reinventing things is kind of nice too...
>> Maybe the right answer is to share some things from SPIR-V (e.g., the
>> way it describes I/O) to reduce duplication, but serialize NIR
>> instructions and control flow in a "native" format.
> I strongly suspect that there is some overestimation of how much code
> nir_serialize would actually be here.  I just looked at nir_clone.c and
> it's 781 lines.  It could probably drop by 50-100 LOC if we didn't expose
> helpers for also cloning of single functions, variables, and constants.  I
> would expect nir_serialize to be able to handle serialization and
> deserialization in about 2x the code of nir_clone.c.  By comparison, SPIR-V
> -> NIR is 8159 LOC and counting (that doesn't include generated anything)
> and I would expect GLSL -> SPIR-V to be similarly sized.
> --Jason
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