On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Mike Lothian <m...@fireburn.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi I tested the branch - glxinfo reports GL 3.2 and GLSL 1.50 however
> when I run Heaven 4 I get a blank screen when rendering and the
> following messages:
> GLFrameBuffer::enable(): incomplete attachment
> GLFrameBuffer::enable(): incomplete attachment
> GLFrameBuffer::enable(): incomplete attachment
> GLFrameBuffer::enable(): incomplete attachment
> OpenGL error: invalid framebuffer operation
> This only happens when at 8xAA - is the demo mis detecting the AA
> abilities of Sandybridge?

Sounds like it. Sandybridge can only do 4x MSAA.

> Valley seem to have rendering issues no matter what the AA level - I
> get black trees in the foreground

Possibly need some workaround. Can't remember.

> With Oil Rush I always get white game rendering (the overlays are
> fine) no matter what the AA level

This sounds like the problem where their shaders put #extension in the
wrong place. Try running with
MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=-GL_ARB_sample_shading. I think there's a
driconf for this now.
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