Le 14/11/2014 18:40, Henri Verbeet a écrit :
On 14 November 2014 17:52, Axel Davy <axel.d...@ens.fr> wrote:
Second d3d9 as gallium state tracker seems much easier than d3d9 on OpenGL.
As for me, I contributed only since a few months ago, and was able to
implement a lot of things quite easily, for exemple:

. Respect the number of backbuffer asked by the app (as far as I know wine
doesn't support >= 2 and behaves like 1)
. Support the Render-ahead d3d9 behaviour (d3d9 doesn't have tripple
buffering like Opengl can have)
. wine seems to have a lot of issues with stuttering, etc. We have control
of throttling and vsync, and thus don't have any particular issue there
Most of the stuttering I'm aware of is GLSL compiler related.
As far as I have seen with our logs, games generally compile shaders during game load,
but then are done with it. Do you mean you compile them again and again ?

. We have very good DRI_PRIME support (better than what GLX has currently).

The fact that nine was develloped so fast by few devs show well that it was

I don't want to sound overly negative, but I'm afraid that what you're
seeing is mostly just the first 80% of any project being a lot easier
than the last 1% or so.

I'm not expert, but I think we have sufficiently complex apps working perfectly to say we are more than 80% and near wine state (again, wine has some bugs we haven't, and nine has some bugs wine doesn't have, but that seems easier to solve).
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