On 07/03/15 07:23, Jose Fonseca wrote:
> we still
> didn't eliminate the use of non-portable _MTX_INITIALIZER_NP from Mesa
> tree gave me pause.
The only way I can think about resolving this, is to use call_once() to
initialize the mutex, but I'm not 100% sure if T2 will sync until T1
call_once's func has returned. How does it sound ?

> We can can consider move the c99_foo.h/c11_foo.h them somewhere else
> (another subdirectory, or util) or renaming them (like u_foo.h).

I have no objection on moving the file, but please keep the file name in
some form that makes it obvious about the spec compat/wrapping it provides.

FYI I'm contemplating on about adding a final wrapper - c99_string.h. It
should nuke nearly all of the remaining compiler abstraction that we
have around - mapi, egl, gallium, mesa, glsl...


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