Stephen J Baker wrote:

> Perhaps it's time for Mesa to go to the dual-stream approach of the
> Linux Kernel and other packages like The GIMP where odd numbered
> releases are where new code goes and even numbered get all the bug
> fixes.
> ...
> What does everyone else think about this idea?

I'll have to think about it for a while but my first instinct is to
stick with the current system.  That is, release a series of betas
which initially introduce new optimizations and features and progress
toward bug-fix betas.  After I've released a beta which gets few or no
bug reports I'll typically rename that beta as a final release.
I believe there are enough people grabbing the betas to exercise it

This has worked reasonably well so far.  There are always bug fixes
for the last official release (ala patches_to_3.0/ on the ftp site)
but they're seldom serious or widely experienced by users.

I don't relish the thought of fixing bugs in two branches.

The time between the 3.0 and 3.1 releases is going to be much longer
than normal.  That's because there's been a tremendous amount of new
work.  I'd like to see smaller, more frequent releases after 3.1.


Brian Paul        Avid Technology / Softimage      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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