Stephen J Baker wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Jon Taylor wrote:
> > > 1. Linux (Unix) and Windows are, by far, the most popular platforms for
> > > Mesa/OpenGL.  The GLX and WGL interfaces are very well established.
> > > Nobody will use a Mesa-specific interface instead of GLX/WGL since
> > > they'd be limiting themselves to Mesa versus many other OpenGL
> > > implementations.
> >
> >       Untrue.  If the new generic interface can be implemented using a
> > dynamic library based system, it would not necessarily have to be
> > Mesa-specific.  It could be implemented directly or as a wrapper layer
> > around the GLX/WGL/etc interfaces, whether those interfaces are
> > themselves implemented by Mesa or another OpenGL-type library/driver.
> Which is another way to say that this hypothetical package would be a new
> kind of GLUT.  

        In a very general sense, yes.  GLUT does a _lot_ of abstraction of
higher-level stuff (window management, input handling, gettimeofday(),
etc) which is not needed for a generic OpenGL interface such as we are

> We need a new GLUT - so that's not such a bad idea.

        We do, but we also need this generic OpenGL interface too.
> But putting it inside Mesa is (IMHO) a very bad idea.

        I must have missed where this was proposed.  I do not favor tying it to
Mesa either.
> > > If you can design a uniform layer on top of some of these interfaces
> > > you should consider how many people will actually make use of it
> > > before you expend a lot of time on it.
> >
> >       This generic interface idea is a godsend, IMO.  I see no reason why
> > this generic interface should not immediately be written.  I volunteer
> > to write (or help write) the generic-to-GGIMesa and generic-to-GLX
> > wrappers, in both directions.  If the generic interface works out, I'll
> > see about trying to get some game developers to support it.  They should
> > be _very_ happy to have a platform-independent way to use OpenGL without
> > having to use GLUT, and also not tying them to X windows the way GLX
> > does....
> Why "without GLUT"?  People seem to regard GLUT as some kind of inferior
> way to get at the windowing issues - when in fact it's actually pretty
> good.

        GLUT does _WAY_ more stuff than is necessary for our purposes here.

> Personally, I quite like GLUT. 

        Me too, but...

> It has two serious problems:
> 1) It's not LGPL - so we can't modify and redistribute it.


> 2) Nobody likes the fact that your application is stuck inside
>    glutMainLoop.  That's trivial to fix - but see (1).

        Also right.

> There are also a bunch of minor problems - but if there were an
> OpenSource version, they would be ironed out in the first week.

        Rewriting all of Mark's code will take a while.  I agree that it needs
to be done, but it will be a longer-term project and we have immediate
and specific needs here.

> What I'd like to see happen is a two-phase project:
> PHASE 1: Do a straight 'cleanroom' rewrite of GLUT so we can put it
>          into the public domain with a clear conscience. This would
>          aim to be a 100% perfect clone.
> PHASE 2: Fix the parts we don't like.

        Sounds good.  Get a CVS server set up and a basic autoconf-based
skeleton stub implementation going and I'll be happy to help.


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