Hi all

I got the following compilation informational warnings for the latest Mesa3.3
At the moment I have no time to look into it. Maybe they are harmless.


cc /include=([-.include],[])/define=(FBIND=1) MATRIX.C

   if (mask == MASK_IDENTITY) {
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "mask" is being
compared with an equality operator to a constant whose value is negative.  This
might not be what you intended.
at line number 767 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]MA

   else if ((mask & MASK_2D_NO_ROT) == MASK_2D_NO_ROT)
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "(mask&((1<<4)|(
<(15+16))))" is being compared with an equality operator to a constant whose val
ue is negative.
  This might not be what you intended.
at line number 770 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]MA

   else if ((mask & MASK_2D) == MASK_2D)
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "(mask&((1<<8)|(
1<<9)|(1<<2)|(1<<6)|(1<<(10+16))|(1<<14)|(1<<3)|(1<<7)|(1<<11)|(1<<(15+16))))" i
s being compared with an equality operator to a constant whose value is negative
.  This might n
ot be what you intended.
at line number 777 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]MA

   else if ((mask & MASK_3D_NO_ROT) == MASK_3D_NO_ROT)
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "(mask&((1<<4)|(
1<<8)|(1<<1)|(1<<9)|(1<<2)|(1<<6)|(1<<3)|(1<<7)|(1<<11)|(1<<(15+16))))" is being
 compared with an equality operator to a constant whose value is negative.  This
 might not be w
hat you intended.
at line number 797 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]MA

   else if ((mask & MASK_3D) == MASK_3D)
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "(mask&((1<<3)|(
1<<7)|(1<<11)|(1<<(15+16))))" is being compared with an equality operator to a c
onstant whose value is negative.  This might not be what you intended.
at line number 809 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]MA
cc /include=([-.include],[])/define=(FBIND=1) GLAPI.C

   if (i >= 0)
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE, In this statement, the unsigned expression "i" is being comp
ared with a relational operator to a constant whose value is not greater than ze
ro.  This might not be what you intended.
at line number 260 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]GL

cc /include=([-.include],[])/define=(FBIND=1) CONFIG.C

      if ((h = (GLenum) gl_lookup_enum_by_name(hname)) != -1 &&
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "(h=(GLenum)gl_l
ookup_enum_by_name(...))" is being compared with an equality operator to a const
ant whose value is negative.  This might not be what you intended.
at line number 229 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]CO

          (v = (GLenum) gl_lookup_enum_by_name(vname)) != -1)
%CC-I-QUESTCOMPARE1, In this statement, the unsigned expression "(v=(GLenum)gl_l
ookup_enum_by_name(...))" is being compared with an equality operator to a const
ant whose value is negative.  This might not be what you intended.
at line number 230 in file $DISK2:[JOUKJ.PUBLIC.MESAGL.MESA_20000223.MESA.SRC]CO

Ceterum censeo tertium millennium post Christum natum anno MMI incepturum esse


  Jouk Jansen

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM          tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Rotterdamseweg 137                       tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  2628 AL Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
  tel. 31-15-2781536                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd


Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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