2009/2/10 Anders Juel Jensen <andersjjen...@gmail.com>:
> PS.: Oh, http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/git just became obsolete. Can
> someone knowledgable also give quick instructions on how to actually run
> gallium there?

I can update the page (and others), as soon as I know...

...what would be supposed to be created when compiling the gallium
drivers? I'm sure there are plenty of people jumping in to testing now
that gallium was merged to master, but compiling the current master
does not seem to generate eg. the i965_simple driver under lib/.

Used ./configure --with-dri-drivers= to not create old DRI ones, which
among else gives the line "Driver dirs:     softpipe failover trace
i915simple i965simple". But:

$ ls -R (under mesa/lib/ after compilation):
demodriver.so  libGL.so      libGLU.so.1.3.070300  libGLw.so.1
gallium        libGL.so.1    libglut.so            libGLw.so.1.0.0
libEGL.so      libGL.so.1.2  libglut.so.3
libEGL.so.1    libGLU.so     libglut.so.3.7.1
libEGL.so.1.0  libGLU.so.1   libGLw.so


I see that eg. the static library
src/gallium/drivers/i965simple/libi965simple.a is created, but is
there something missing? Also make install installs only those files
listed above, except that EGL_i915.so does not get installed.


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