I've been looking at shader semantics some more, and I'm a bit
surprised by how the svga driver works.
It seems that an obvious implementation of a DirectX 9 state tracker
just won't work with the svga driver.

In SM3, vertex/fragment semantics can be arbitrary (independent of
hardware resources), but indices are limited to a 0-15 range.

A DirectX 9 state tracker must convert those to TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC.
How does the VMware one do that?
Assuming that it maps them directly, this means that the driver must
support GENERIC semantic indices up to a number that varies between
about 200 and 255.

The problem is that the vmware svga driver, as far as I can see,
doesn't support indices greater than 15.
This is caused by the fact that it maps all GENERIC semantics to
SVGA3D_DECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, and the index bitfield in the svga virtual
interface only supports 4 bits.

In other words, SM3 under VMware with arbitrary semantics (allowed by
SM3 and other drivers) really seems broken, for a straightforward
DirectX9 state tracker implementation.

The only way it can work now is if the DirectX 9 state tracker looks
at both the vertex and pixel shaders, links them, and outputs
sequential semantic indices.

It seems to me that the svga driver should be fixed to map GENERIC to
*all* SM3 semantic types, ideally in a way that reverses the SM3 ->
GENERIC transformation done by the DX9 state tracker.

Doing this requires to specify a maximum index for
TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC which is very carefully chosen to allow 1:1
mapping with SM3, so that DirectX 9 state trackers have enough indices
to represent all SM3, and the svga driver can fit all indices in the
SM3-like semantics of the VMware virtual GPU interface.

The correct value in this case seems to be 219 = 14 * 16 SM3 semantics
- 5 for COLOR0, COLOR1, PSIZE0, POSITION0, FOG0 which have specific
TGSI semantics which they need to mapped to/from.

I'm looking at this because this seems the strictest constraint on
choosing a limit for TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC indices.
The other constraint is due to r600 supporting only byte-sized
semantic/index combinations, which is less strict than SM3.

BTW, glsl also looks artificially limited on svga, as only 6 varyings
will be supported, due to it starting from 10.

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