> Having user-buffers with undefined size establishes a connection
> inside the driver between two things which could previously be fully
> understood separately - the vertex buffer is now no longer fully
> defined without reference to an index buffer.   Effectively the user
> buffer become just unqualified pointers and we are back to the GL
> world pre-VBOs.

Yes, indeed.

> In your examples, scanning and uploading (or transforming) per-index
> is only something which is sensible in special cases - eg where there
> are very few indices or sparse access to a large vertex buffer that
> hasn't already been uploaded/transformed.  But you can't even know if
> the vertex buffer is sparse until you know how big it is, ie. what
> max_index is...

Reconsidering it, it does indeed seem to be sensible to always scan
the index buffer for min/max if any elements are in user buffers,
since if we discover it is dense, we should upload and otherwise do
the index lookup in software (or perhaps remap the indices, but this
isn't necessarily a good idea).

And if we are uploading buffers, we must always do the scan to avoid
generating segfaults due to out-of-bound reads.
Hardware without draw_elements support could do without the scan, but
I think all Gallium-capable hardware supports it.

So it seems the only case where we don't necessarily need it is for
swtnl, and here the performance loss due to scanning is probably
insignificant compared to the cost of actually transforming vertices.

So, yes, I think you are right and the current solution is the best.

However, I still have doubts on the semantics of max_index in
Isn't it better to _always_ set it to a valid value, even if it is
just (vb->buffer->size - vb->buffer_offset) / vb->stride ?

It seems this would solve Corbin's problem and make a better
interface, following your principle of having well defined vertex
The only cost is doing up to 8/16 divisions, but the driver may needs
to do them anyway.

Perhaps we could amortize this by only creating/setting the
pipe_vertex_buffers/elements on VBO/array change instead that on every
draw call like we seem to be doing now, in cases where it is possible.

An alternative option could be to remove it, and have the driver do
the computation itself instead (and use draw_range_elements to pass a
user-specified or scanned max value).

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