The half float conversion code initially used a global C++ constructor
to initialize the tables.

That fails to work since ld does not get the symbol from the shared
library, so I changed to use register a global constructor from C,
using GCC-  or MSVC-specific code.

This is not necessarily the best option, but clearly putting a check
in the functions as Corbin did is a bad idea performance-wise.

So, how should this be done?

Options are:
1. Revert Corbin Simpsons's commit and if anyone complains about an
unsupported compiler, implement UTIL_INIT for that compiler too
2a. Write the init module in C++ and use portable global constructor
syntax (but with other C++-related problems)
2b. Write an auxiliary file in C++ with a global constructor and
reference it from the C init file so the static linker pulls it from
the .a
3. Have all modules that need half float conversion directly or
indirectly call the init functions in their init code
4. Make the build pregenerate the tables and ship them in the executables

Option 1:
Pros: just works, other auxiliary modules can use the same system
Cons: need to write UTIL_INIT for each compiler, only GCC and MSVC
(and compatible ones) are currently supported

Option 2a:
Pros: no compiler-specific UTIL_INIT
Cons: significant code written in C++ instead of C and you must link
all targets with a C++ compiler or use compiler-specific options to
prevent stuff like the G++ personality causing the link to fail

Option 2b:
Like option 2a, but
Pro: less code written in C++
Con: need an extra C++ file for every module with data to be initialized

Option 3:
Pros: none of the cons of the other options
Cons: cumbersome to do, must not forget to call the init function or
you get silent corruption. Init calls creep through the whole

Option 4:
Pros: no need to do anything at runtime, pages can be shared between OpenGL apps
Cons: need to write a special table generator, all DRI drivers get
10KB larger, solution does not apply to all similar problems

I would lean for either option 1 or option 4, perhaps option 4
considering there seems to be disagreement over option 1.
Option 4 however is likely not universally applicable (not everything
can necessarily be pregenerated), so I'd keep the UTIL_INIT code

Which one do we pick?

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