I'd like to add that u_atomic.h already requires either GCC, MSVC or
Solaris, and GCC and MSVC are already supported by this system.
Thus we do indeed now have a simple way to do global constructors,
that only removes support for non-GCC Solaris until someone figures
out how to do that.

And it's relatively simple, you just have to figure out the section
name of the global constructor table, and how to instruct the specific
compiler to put a variable in a specific section.

GCC even has __attribute__((constructor)) which does it all for you.

At any rate, util_format_s3tc_init has similar issues, and is
currently called from a few places.
I think the best thing to do to implement your suggestion is adding an
util_format_init that calls both init functions and leave the
UTIL_INIT code in place (since it seems we now got it right): it is
easy to remove by deleting u_init.h if desired.

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