On 11 October 2017 at 00:52,  <yohan.bo...@ioterop.com> wrote:
>> Hello ,
>>I'm working on zybo board, with meta-xilinx (morty) + my own layer to 
>>use my own design.
>> I wonder to have unique MAC address on each board. There is a register 
>> with unique MAC address on each zybo. My wish is to read this address 
>> before boot in u-boot, and so have this address set in u-boot, then in 
>> kernel.

>I assume you are referring to the I2C EEPROM attached via the PL? You will 
>need to at least connect this to the EMIO I2C of the PS to access it.
This part is done yes.

>> I'm not sure to know how to do that, I think I need to read it in fsbl 
>> with fsbl_hook ?

>U-Boot can already read and setup the MAC from an I2C device, no need to deal 
>with FSBL.
Very nice !

>The config to point at the I2C device is already configured by default for the 

>The code that does the ethaddr setup.
Ok, where can I call this function ? I'm not sure to know exactly how is 
working u-boot :s

>> So I'll have a fsbl.elf, but is there an easy way to add this .elf to 
>> boot.bin set in meta-xilinx ?

>No, not in meta-xilinx. The bootgen tool which is required for FSBL images is 
>only available from the Xilinx tools, and only meta-xilinx-tools integrates 
>with them.

>> What I understood from meta-xilinx is : we include the u-boot.elf 
>> through SPL_BINARY into boot.bin ? How can I add also my fsbl.elf ?

>In meta-xilinx the generated boot.bin only contains U-Boot SPL (full U-Boot is 
>loaded from the boot device from the u-boot.img file).

>> I’ve also seen this topic :
>> https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/meta-xilinx/2017-April/002702
>> .html
>> But it seems it uses meta-xilinx-tools layer. Does I really need to 
>> use it, or there is an other way, I mean, other way than generated the 
>> full boot.bin from SDK (is this way correct ?) ?

>If you need FSBL then you will need meta-xilinx-tools, or you will need to do 
>it manually.
Understood. So what FSBL is for ?

>> Then, once I have this MAC address, how can I set it into uboot, then 
>> into kernel ?

>See above regarding U-Boot loading it from I2C.



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