On Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 02:45:08AM +0000, Eric Wong wrote:
> This seems like a easy (but WWW-specific) way to get recent
> topics as suggested by Konstantin.  Perhaps an Atom endpoint
> will also be useful.

Yes, actually thinking about this some more, perhaps it makes sense to expose
this as an RSS feed feature (maybe even exclusively as an RSS feed feature?).
Have two different feeds:

- new topics: just all the new threads
- hot topics: NN most active threads (kinda lkml.org's "hottest messages")

Have this available per-list and for the extindex -- I think this would be
a great feature that we can point people at as a mechanism to keep an eye on
overall activity.

I haven't tried your patch yet -- doubt I will be able before coming back from
Plumbers next week.


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