On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 10:16:53PM +0000, Eric Wong wrote:
> Konstantin Ryabitsev <konstan...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> >          └─-cindex -u --al,4432
> >              ├─cidx shard[0],4646
> >              └─cidx shard[1],4647
> > 
> > Anything I can do to figure out why this is happening?
> You can show me strace and lsof +E of the processes (any other
> processes (join|sort|awk|perl)?).  This code is highly in flux,
> so it's also fine to rm the test for now since nothing
> public-facing is using -cindex, yet...

Yeah, but I figured I'll poke a bit in case it's helpful.

I can't do +E because that's not available to me under CentOS7 (I can't wait
until we move on, but just when we think the yak is fully shaved, we find more
clumps of thick fur we hadn't considered). Is the output of the regular "lsof
-p" helpful at all?

Strace for all three processes (-cindex, cidx shard[0], cidx shard[1]) just
sits at:

    select(24, [13 16], NULL, NULL, NULL

As far as I can see, there are no other processes other than cidx.

Hope that helps,

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