At 12:58 Uhr -0600 01.10.1999, Scott Raney wrote:
>demand has been minimal
But even the MC-Tools could display inherited properties better.
>How would you set it to this third state?
set the hilite of btn x to mixed
>What happens when you get the hilite of a button in this state?
It returns the string "mixed"... I don't think this third state would
break any existing stacks. Stacks that do break MUST accomodate to
the third state anyway (or the behaviour is random).
>Can any checkbox button be set to this state, or is a new style required?
>What is the behavior when the user clicks on a button in this state?
It becomes "true"... that happens in Apple installers and in
Microsoft Word, so the style guide addendum :) supports the same
>Can they re-select this state (maybe with amodifier-key click)?
How about a new property "selectableMixedState" that allows the user
to select the third state. It does not have to be set before the
state can be set to mixed.
>And what exactly should the button look like on the various platforms?
There are definitions in the Macintosh HIG (a "-"). I don't know for
Windos, but MS-Word displays a gray check mark. Propably some Unix
window managers have their own style definitions for the third state.
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