In the interest of covering all possibilities:
In certain cases a person could probably keep the MC engine separate
from the main stack in their distribution until the user enters the
needed info; then the stack could run a standalone builder script
(cannibalized from MC dev env) to build the standalone using the updated
stack. The ID/validation info could in that way be embedded in the


Nicolas R Cueto wrote:
> "James C. Wall" wrote:
> >
> > In a standalone, I am hoping it is possible to save
> > these data when the stack is closed.  Is this possible?
> I asked this very question a few weeks back. Below, are two useful and
> similar pieces of advice.
> --------------ONE----------
> You can't save information to a standalone MC stack, but you can save
> data
> to any non-executable MC stack. So the trick here is to have another MC
> stack that's separate from your standalone, and save the data there.
> Your
> standalone might just be a stub application with splash screen that
> launches
> your non-executable stack.
> Hope this helps,
> Marni
> --
> Marni Centor
> Summit Systems
> 22 Cortlandt St.
> New York, NY 10007
> (212) 896-3466
> ----------------TWO------------
> You can't save data to an executable file. (In theory, you can on a
> Mac, but I don't know if Metacard allows it or not.) To save data in
> a Metacard stack while running with a standalone, you'll need to keep
> the stack separate from the standalone. One way is to build the
> standalone from a stack that simply opens the external stack in a
> preopenStack handler.
> on preoOpenstack
>    hide this stack
>    toplevel stack <mainStackname>
> end preOpenStack
> Be sure to call "quit" in the external stack when you close it or the
> invisible standalone will still be running.
> on closeStack
>    save this stack
>    quit
> end closeStack
> Cheers
> Dave Cragg
> ---------------END-----------
> Hope it works for you as well as it did for me.
> --
> Nicolas R Cueto
> Takakura JHS/SHS
> Nagoya, Japan

Phil Davis

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