I've had a play around with this, but could do with some assistance. I think the 
answer is quite simple.

I've got a 12 card stack with a  background. The background contains a field with the 
'Shared Text' property unchecked. This means that when I run my script (which repeats 
from 1 to 12 and sets the contents of the relevant field to that number) it works fine.

I've got another script which is meant to set the script of each field. I read in a 
separate field which contains the script and replace a known variable with the number 
of the card.

This is then meant to set the script of each field to something like

on mouseup
        go cd 3 of wd "Day"
end mouseup

where the number is replaced by the number of the card.

The problem is that unlike the "Shared Text" property the script for each field reads

on mouseup
        go cd 12 of wd "Day"
end mouseup

ie its setting the script of each field to the last script in the loop.

This is a simplified explanation of a larger project. I guess I could create 
'foreground' fields for each card but when I do that (due to the large number of 
fields on a card) the 'set up script' loop takes an age.

So, is there anyway to define different scripts to background fields ? Or is the whole 
point that you can't or shouldn't ?


Gary Rathbone

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