on 1/30/00 9:29 PM, Craig Spooner at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm sure this is a stupid question, but can anyone tell me why I
> can't get the Help menu to go away?  I'm using the Menu Builder,
> which creates three menus -- File, Edit, and Help.  I want only the
> File menu, so I delete both the Edit and Help btns in the menu group,
> but the Help menu still shows on the Mac menubar (in fact, it's the
> only menu now showing).  What's going on?  I'm trying to create a
> single menu (File) with a single menuItem (Quit).

I don't think you can get rid of the Apple menu either - I believe these are
"standard" menus on Mac OS 8 and higher.

> Oh, and while I'm asking about the finer points of menus, how does
> one get a long pop-up menu to scroll up and down to show all of its
> contents?  If this is in the documentation, I missed it and I
> apologize.

Use v2.3.  This is a known bug from earlier version which is addressed in
the new (still gamma however) upgrade.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 http://www.FourthWorld.com
 Tel: 323-225-3717           ICQ#60248349            Fax: 323-225-0716

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