I wrote a mpeg player for metacard/windows (attached file).

If you are interested in playing mpeg files in windows, could you test this player ?

It is supposed to work if you have windows 98 properly installed and a recent
version of windows multimedia player (freely downloadable from the microsoft site).

If it works for you, you just win a free mpeg player :-)
If it does not work for you, please report to me what happens :-(

Regards, Claude


More technical stuff :

This player is for *.mpg mpeg1 videofiles. This format is the most "standard" format
for video but unfortunately is not supported by Quicktime/Windows.
The player uses the metacard mcisendstring() function.

Click the "open" button : metacard prepairs all but displays nothing.
Click the "play" button : the video should display in a palette window.

If you click in the movie, a message is sent to the main stack with the location of
the click.

Do not forget to click "stop" and "close" when you are finished with a movie.

Right-click a button to edit its script.

Claude Lemmel / Opus species
website : www.opus-species.com


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