On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Peter Reid wrote:

> I'm moving the mouse under script control as part of several CBT 
> developments suing MC 2.2.5 and MC 2.3 for Mac and Win 98/NT. (I'm 
> using two different versions because the earlier one is installed 
> across a customer's corporate network and I can't get them to upgrade 
> this for the time being!  I'm using the latest version for new 
> developments for other customers). The idea is that the mouse is used 
> to draw the user's attention to different parts of the screen.
> So far, this mouse movement has worked fine on various Macs and PCs. 
> However, I now find that it doesn't work on my PowerBook G3/333 
> "Bronze" - the mouse just sits in one location!  My desktop Mac (a 
> G3/300 uprated clone) and my PowerBook both run MacOS 8.6, have the 
> same amount of RAM (128Mb), and identical copies of the MetaCard 
> "Player" (I've copied from one system to the other to be sure).  I've 
> tried both MC 2.2.5 and MC 2.3 gamma.  Both versions work fine with 
> my desktop Mac (and with my laptop Win 98 PC), but not my PowerBook???

Do you have an external mouse or trackball attached to that system?

> The following is the code I'm using for scripted mouse movement:
> on moveMouse fromLoc,toLoc,inSteps,moveDelayTicks
>    put absLoc(fromLoc) into absFrom
>    put absLoc(toLoc) into absTo
>    put (item 1 of absTo - item 1 of absFrom) div inSteps into xInc
>    put (item 2 of absTo - item 2 of absFrom) div inSteps into yInc
>    put item 1 of absFrom into x
>    put item 2 of absFrom into y
>    set the screenMouseLoc to absFrom
>    repeat with i = 1 to inSteps
>      add xInc to x
>      add yInc to y
>      set the screenMouseLoc to x,y
>      wait moveDelayTicks ticks
>    end repeat
>    set the screenMouseLoc to absTo
> end moveMouse
> function absLoc relLoc
>    get the topLeft of this stack
>    put item 1 of it into stackX
>    put item 2 of it into stackY
>    put item 1 of relLoc + stackX into absX
>    put item 2 of relLoc + stackY into absY
>    return absX & comma & absY into theLoc
> end absLoc
> Any ideas why this doesn't work on a PowerBook when it does on a 
> variety of other systems?

Anybody else with a PowerBook see this?  You should be able to test it
with something as simple as the following in the Message Box:
set the screenMouseLoc to 10,10

PS: I don't really understand the engine code that does this, but do
know that it's one of the things that isn't Carbon compliant and so
will have to be changed...

> Cheers
> Peter
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Peter Reid
> Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
> Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
> Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk
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MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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