At 8:27 AM -0700 3/13/00, Craig Spooner wrote:

>It still seems to me there must be a way to send an AppleEvent to the
>OS to launch another type of application -- perhaps using file type
>and/or creator codes.  The required information must be stored
>somewhere, otherwise how can the OS launch an application when you
>double-click a file's icon in the Finder?  I've always been under the
>impression the Finder (or is it the Desktop file?) was a sort of
>"registry" for the Mac.  Is there truly no way to launch a
>non-browser/email application from MC without knowing its path?

Hi Craig

The problem here is that most Finder AppleEvents require a particular 
data structure as a file reference. Metacard can only send text data 
as part of an AppleEvent, which won't do for most Finder related 
AppleEvents. The internet events are an exception.

One way to open a file from Metacard as if double clicking on it in 
the Finder is to build a companion AppleScript application for your 
stack. This application reads a file name from a text file, coerces 
the filename to a proper file reference, and then tells the Finder to 
open the file. From Metacard, you write the filename to the text 
file, and then launch the AppleScript application.

However, it's probably much easier to get Tuviah Snyder's external 
collection which provides AppleEvent and AppleScript support. I 
haven't used these particular commands and functions, but if they 
work as well as the commands and functions on his Windows external 
then I'm sure they'll do the job fine. (available at 

Dave Cragg

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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