Here's a handler in the stack script of my current project:
on launchInternetApp tAddress
switch the platform
case "MacOS"
send tAddress to program "Finder" with "GURLGURL"
if the result is not empty then -- if there's an error
-- report error to user (I've shortened this)
end if
case "Win32"
if tAddress contains "www" then
put word 1 to -2 of \
mand\") \
into tBrowserPath
launch tAddress with tBrowserPath
-- open process tBrowserPath && tURL -- this works too
if the result is not empty then
answer error "Sorry, unable to open Web browser."
end if
if tAddress contains "mailto" then
put word 1 to -2 of \
ommand\") \
into tBrowserPath
launch tAddress with tBrowserPath
if the result is not empty then
answer error "Sorry, unable to open e-mail application."
end if
end if
end if
end switch
end launchInternetApp
With regard to the lookAndFeel, that property can be set independent
of the platform MC is running on. "Windows" means every flavor of
the Windows OS (except perhaps ver. 3.1?). Motif, though I've never
used it, is one of the GUIs of Unix. Select Tools > Preferences and
try changing the lookAndFeel to these other settings to see what they
look like.
I get the digest, so others have probably already said more about
this, but I hope this is helpful.
>From: Sivakatirswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: GURLGURL
>Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 14:57:51 -1000
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>In-Reply-To: <v04210101b5116d4f403d@[]>
>Aloha, Craig: ( am posting this to the list due to other questions below)
>Well I did find the article for the thread you started with "Load URL' but I
>was unable to find the articles you referenced at the start when you said
>"Thanks to Hugh senior and others for the examples. . ." so, I was looking
>for those examples and couldn't find them. I backed up thru the archives and
>didn't see any posts by Hugh Senior. . . so, yes, if you could send me those
>articles. . .I just need to flush out:
>on mouseUp
> put "" into tURL
> switch the lookAndFeel which
> case MACOS
> send tURL to program "Finder" with "GURLGURL"
> # Will the result get poked if the connection is down?
> exit switch
> case Windows
> # What goes here?
> end switch
>end MouseUp
>On a parallel theme: cross platform delivery:
>In the MCDEMO2.MC stack I saw the references to
>If the lookAndFeel is MOTIF then
> do all this tedious stuff to make the demo interface look right\
> on a MOTIF platform
> # when we had hoped MC would be doing this stuff for us.
>end if
>What is MOTIF? Is there a major installed user base? We are thinking that
>Mac OS and Windows 85/98 and Windows NT would probably cover 99% of our
>targeted audience. But that's a big assumption.
>And, last but not least
>the look and feel is "Windows"
>work for both
>Windows 85/98 and Windows NT
> >
> > If you have trouble
> > finding the articles I mentioned, let me know and I'll find them and
> > send them to you.
>thanks for the help
>Hinduism Today
>Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
>--------------- END metacard.v003.n315 ---------------
Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.