At 1:42 PM +0200 5/17/00, Pierre Sahores wrote:
>Hi the list,
>First : If i run the script below :
>on mrl1
>  set the directory to "/"
>  put the directories into dirsG
>  answer dirsG & cr & cr & the number of lines of dirsG
>end mrl1
>i get a clean list of the directories and files stored in dirsG but
>nothing about the second part of the last line script request "& cr & cr
>& the number of lines of dirsG".
>I'm probably mistaking but where ?

Is there a vertical height limit on the field in the answer dialog 
used to display messages? Perhaps some of the lines are getting cut 
off. Try this and see what appears in the message box:

on mrl1
   set the directory to "/"
   put the directories into dirsG
   put dirsG & cr & cr & the number of lines of dirsG
end mrl1

Dave Cragg

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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