Blair Moxon wrote:
> Believe it or not the response that I have heard is that people are more
> comfortable within a browser because it has a "forward and back button". I
> suppose this is because they don't lose context of where they are (by
> keeping everything in the same window) and they can leave a trail of
> breadcrumbs behind them...

When my partner and I started our major project over a year ago, we
considered building it in HTML, but didn't want to rely on a browser. As
Blair mentions, Forward and Back buttons give folks a security blanket.
Where things get ugly (navigationally) is when you throw Next and
Previous buttons into the works, as we have had to do. Then try to
document the suckers. <g> The same people who are very comfortable with
a web page having Forward and Back buttons at the top of the screen and
Next and Previous page buttons are stymied with an application built
with the same behaviors. Most of our alpha testers have "gotten used to
it", though I have had feature requests for a list of Forward and Back
locations on a mouseDown event.

Mary Bull

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