>Both HyperCard and SuperCard on the Macintoish allow up to 20 sounds 
>to be queued for continuous playback by the execution of a sequence 
>of 'play' commands. As soon as all of the sounds have been loaded 
>into memory (a fraction of a second on newer cpu's), control is 
>returned to the handler.  The sounds are then played end to end, 
>seamlessly, while other commands or events are processed.
>When I try the same thing in MetaCard, each new play commands 
>interrupts playback of the previous sound. Is there any way to queue 
>a series of sounds in MetaCard, or to achieve the same result, as 
>I've often done with HyperCard and MetaCard?

It's gratifying to see someone else working with audio...

You can't do the above in MC.  What you *might* be able to do is use the 
player object to play audio files and poll the player object for when it 
finishes playing a file and the start the next.  My guess is, there will 
probably be some gap audible between the end of the first clip and the 
beginning of the next (never tried this myself).  Note this requires 
QuickTime be installed on the user's machine.

Another option you could try is to use an audio external (Mac).  
SNDChannel works just as well in MC as it does in HC/SC, but I don't know 
how successful you'll be at stacking sounds for seamless playback.

Your last option is to pester Scott and the MC folks for better built-in 
audio support.  I've been trying for months now (if not years), but their 
response is that better audio support is not high on the requested 
feature list.


Scott Rossi                       Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
Creative Director                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                  Web: www.tactilemedia.com

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