On 5/1/01 8:54 am, Signe Marie Sanne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Even though I have worked extensively with MetaCard for several
> years, I still have not found the answers to the following. Would
> someone please enlighten me?
> 1. Is it necessary that the files mchome, mc.exe (or metacard on
> Mac), mc.tools and mchelp always are in the same folder as the
> application you work on? (I usually start an application with
> "toplevel mystack") What about aliases of the engine or mchome, or
> full path for the application?

In order to do development work, mchome, mctools must be in the same folder
as the MC application.  Of course, you can make an alias to the MC
application and put that anywhere.

> 2. What about the files MC external and MC externalData, what are
> they for? Can they be removed?

Only useful if you are writing externals.  Otherwise you don't need them.



Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited (formerly Cross Worlds Computing).
Tel: +44 (0)131 672 2909.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/metacard@lists.runrev.com/
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