Hi Everyone,

    I hope you can help me with my attempts to script the behaviour and
appearance of buttons.  I've run into a couple of small problems.

    1.  I wanted to create some buttons that would appear as 3-D when the
mouse is moved over them, and then simply display there names without border
in 2-D when the mouse is moved away.  The default settings, in their
property windows, for the buttons were borders showing and 3-D.  I put the
following handlers in the script of a group containing the buttons.

 on mouseEnter
 if first word of the target is "button"
 set the showBorder of the target to true
 end if
 end mouseEnter

 on mouseLeave
 if first word of the target is "button"
 set the showBorder of the target to false
 end if
 end mouseLeave

    The handlers work fine, but when clicking one of the buttons takes me to
another card or shows a new group, it sometimes (not all of the time) causes
the button to remain as 3-D when I return to the original card.  Any way
around this?

    2.  On a similar note, I wanted to create other buttons that are 3-D and
raised (embossed) when not in use (for example, a note field is hidden) and
then appear 3-D depressed (engraved) when clicked (for example, when the
note field is shown).  I also want the button's name and background to
reverse colours.  So, I used the following script.

on mouseUp
  lock screen
  if the visible of fld "Note" of group "Main" is true
# Button is embossed.
    set the name of me to "Show my notes"
    set the hilite of me to false
     set the foreGroundColor of me to "Black"
    hide fld "Note"
# Button is engraved
    set the name of me to "Hide my notes"
    set the hilite of me to true
     set the foreGroundColor of me to "White"
    set the backGroundColor of me to "black"
    show fld "Note"
    if fld "Note" is empty
      put "Type your note hereŠ" into fld "Note"
      select text of fld "Note"
    end if

    Once again, the handler works fine for a few clicks, but after
navigating a few cards the button usually loses its border and, hence, it's
3-D appearance.  I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the
button's hilite is shared.  Any thoughts on this?



Gregory Lypny
Associate Professor of Finance
Concordia University

"Take chances, make mistakes!"
       - Ms Frizzle, The Magic School Bus

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