Kevin Miller stated:
> This is just a minor glitch - the only workaround I know of for the moment
> is to turn off the scrollbar if the text fits.

Nah, it's not a minor glitch if I have to spend hours figuring out the best
way to turn off the scrollbar for the HUNDREDS of fields in my project, due
to go beta shortly.  And having a scroll bar magically appear IF the text
does not fit the field is a user interface violation in my book.  Reason -
fixed fields (ie without scroll bars) imply that you can only type a limited
amount of text into an area (at least on the Mac), which of course I do not
want to imply.  And putting a scrollbar complete with draggable handle that
DOES NOTHING if the text does not extend beyond the height of the field is
even worse.  I myself spend some time trying to drag the handle in the
scroll bar and wondering why it wouldn't move.

The fact is that anything that makes my program look unprofessional make ME
look unprofessional.  Attention to detail is very important in software
design.  Especially on the Mac, people get used to living in a predefined
universe of rules, which make it easier to learn new programs.  I know my
customers, and as petty as my complaint sounds, I'm going to have to make
excuses.  And I haven't had to do that before with MetaCard.  With
HyperCard, in the "old" days, yes.  Remember explaining to people why they
couldn't put more than 32K in a field?

Fortunately, I think I can safely step back down to version 2.3.1, which I
know DOES draw scrollable fields properly.  I only hope that the version of
2.3.1 that I still have is the FAT binary version, or I'm in trouble.

What I'm really more pissed about is the fact that somehow I didn't notice
this bug until the last minute.  I should've caught it much, much sooner.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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