Thanks to Kevin & Scott for posting solutions to the scrollbar field problem
I had.

Kevin's solution works very well.  My problem is that I have some fields
that I purposefully WANT to have no scrollbar on no matter what (it would
take too long to explain why,) and some that I did.  Given enough time, I
could script around these problems.  But time is something I ain't got.

Scott's point about web browsers working Kevin's way is well taken.  Reading
Scott's response made me take a couple of steps back and say, "yeah, he's
right."  Us Mac users want the whole world to look like the Finder, even if
the new way is a better way... which in this case it is.

In the end, I'm going with Scott's solution of setting the
proportionalThumbs to true.  That way, if anyone bitches, I can tell them,
"Hey, it's the default in OS X!  You're ahead of the game."   Heh heh.

As far as not catching things in gamma and beta, I'm as guilty as anyone,
because I didn't use 2.3.2 until the last minute... been using 2.3.  Next
release I'll hop on board quicker.

My thanks once again to both Kevin and Scott for immediately helping,
despite the bitchiness of my first post.  The MetaCard development community
is the best in the world.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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