I have been accessing our archive server in California from Hawaii with
Metacard. Previously server was set up as a default Red Hat Linux ftp
server, wide open to the net for anonymous ftp. Using Andu's scripts worked

Now we put the server behind a hardware firewall with a Linksys router
between the server and the cable modem connection. Unfortunately, Linksys
will not support Linux users; only Windows users. After the change, the
server works fine for serving HTTP but not for passive FTP connections. It
fails, either from within MC or from a web page with ftp links to download

Here is an example  (not real) of the type of link that has stopped working

<a href="ftp://ftp.sadhu.org/pub/foobar.PDF">Download Link</a>

  Anyone have any ideas what ftp or maybe apache settings need to be
changed? (email me
off list or point me to a forum where these issues are discussed by the
"linux/Apache FTP pros"

At this point we've tried making changes to the /etc/ftpaccess file such as:

pasv-allow      all
passive address
passive ports 100 100

But no cigar.

My MC log file shows this coming back from the server.

230 User htoday logged in.
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,100,144,13)

--If I understand it correctly the above is the control socket

--my script (andu's...) returns this as the data socket:

I next send this command and try to write a path to the new socket

write  "STOR " & IPath & CRLF to socket Q

The server responds with:

200 Type set to I

After which the connection closes... Interarchy tells

Receive disconnect indication (T_DISCON_IND = 126) on stream 4.
   Reason = 61
   Sequence Number = 0

  And the connection attempt is "hung".

I should be getting back from the server:
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for public_html/whatever/index.html.

but we are not...?? any clues?? (email me off list... this is way OT

Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
www.HinduismToday.com, www.HimalayanAcademy.com,
www.Gurudeva.org, www.hindu.org

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/metacard@lists.runrev.com/
Info: http://www.xworlds.com/metacard/mailinglist.htm
Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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