OK, my first little ebook project in MC is going well ... deep
into the text attributes territory, which I am not too familiar
having spent most of my xTalk life mostly concerned with
raw data...and my old eBooks in SC were not concerned with
aesthetics but we are going public with these so...


1) I want to give users a way to change the size of the type in a field that
has  attributes assigned to the first 1 to 3 or four lines of the text in
the field (these being headers)

Does anyone have cookie cutter scripts that already does this and yet
maintains the attributes of the text? i.e. some headers will be in 14 pt
type, bold and colored, while the default text size of the field is
set to 12. One has to be careful not to pass  the text thru variables
otherwise all style info gets wiped...

2) I can obviously do this: get the htmlText of a field, parse out
the strings "size=14" and increase the font size for that text e.g. increase
it to "size=16" and then get the textsize property for the field and
increase it also by 2 pts. But, is this the most efficient strategy?

In a large book, this would require the user to wait, while my script went
through all the pages in the book and made all  the changes... that's a wait
I would prefer he not have to go thru. She will want to change the text size
and instantly see that on the page she is on. I guess I could do it for the
currnent page and the use "send" to the duplicate function that would do it
for all the rest of the pages while he was reading the current one.

But before I go about inventing this wheel all over again maybe someone has
been there, done that?


Hinduism Today
Himalayan Academy Publications

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