I've got an image viewing Metacard program which can handle events received from a web 

On the Mac I have configured my program as a helper application in the Internet 
Control Panel (Advanced tab, Helper Apps), allowing the URL type emv to be associated 
with my program.
In the browser if the user clicks on a link starting emv://<url> this is passed to my 
Metacard application as an appleevent.

Now I want to try and do the achieve thing under Windows, namely: associate the url 
type emv with my application. I see that there is a URL file type (see: explorer 
window ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab) eg "URL:File Transfer Protocol".  
There must be more to it than this though (where is the actual protocol prefix 

I have made a MC application using the MC External, configured to act as a DDE Server 
(ie able to receive DDE events) but haven't yet been able to get the web browser to 
talk to it.

Related question: when I make a stand-alone application which is acting as a DDE 
server, does the server name becomes the name of the application (not EXT?).  Is there 
any way of getting a list of all available DDE servers on the computer?

If anyone has had any success trying to do this sort of thing or can point me towards 
any relevant documentation or instructions I would appreciate it.


Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362
http://hedc.otago.ac.nz ~ http://rodney.weblogs.com

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