The problem is that you need the EXT.dll file in the same folder as the
standalone engine. This is different from MacOS where the external is
actually in the resouces of the file. I had the exact same problem when I
first played with standalone & externals on windows.

> Further to my last email:
> I have now got this working within Metacard, but not yet within a
> stand-alone MC application.
> Recap: I wished to configure a Windows computer so that a url of
> emv://<url> would be handed off to my MC application.
> Take a look at the key for "URL:Hypertext Transfer Protocol" (you
> can use Find in Regedit to search for keys if you want) to see
> the basic format.
> You can set some of these values from within explorer window
> ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab, however I don't
> believe you can create a URL protocol setting from scratch within
> the File Types window.  I was only able to get this working by
> using Regedit.
> From System Start menu, choose open and run Regedit
> - Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create a new key "emv"
> - emv should have the following values set:
>       Default   URL:EMV
>       URL Protocol ""
> -within emv key create a key "shell", then a key "open", then a
> key "command"
>    command should have default value set to the path to Metacard
> - within open key create a "ddeexec" key with values for:
>       default         "Display" %1 (this is what will be passed to MC)
>       Application     EXT   (our DDE server, you need to have the
> MC External installed)
>       Topic           System   (not sure if this is required or not)
> Now go to window ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab and
> scroll down to URL, you should should find a setting for URL:EMV.
>  View this... you can change values now like the application you
> are linking to etc...
> Now open MC, open your stack and start the DDE server (see MC
> External documentation under DDE if this is a mystery to you).
> In a Explorer type: emv://testing and press return.  Message
> should be displayed in MC.
> Now the problem: if I import EXT into my stack as a component,
> then save the stack as an application, I cannot get windows to
> pass messages to the stand alone stack in the manner described
> above.  Windows launches a new instance of the stack each time
> (very slowely) then reports that a library is missing or
> something similar.
> I think the issue is related to having a DDE server in a stand
> alone MC application ... I have been having problems getting this
> working (eg: make a simple stack implementing a DDE server that
> puts messages received into a result field, import the external
> as a component, save as a standalone stack.  Try to call this
> from another application ... I can't get this to work).
> Any tips or suggestions?
> R.
> --
> --
> Rodney Tamblyn
> Educational Media group
> Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
> University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
> ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362
> ~
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