Further to my last email:

I misunderstood the role of importing EXT.dll as a component - it seems this just 
binds the DLL to the stack/application.  You must also include the DLL in the same 
directory as the application you are creating.

Revised instructions below:

I strongly recommend that you look at other examples in Regedit (eg URL:Hypertext 
Transfer Protocol") to get the idea of how the following example works.

Create your DDE server:
Open a MC stack, create a DDE server (see MC External documentation). Import the 
Ext.dll as a component under stack properties. Save the stack as a stand-alone 
application. Copy the Ext.dll to the same directory as your stand alone. 

>From System Start menu, choose open and run Regedit
- Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create a new key "emv"
- emv should have the following values set: [right mouse button click, select from 
        Default   URL:EMV
        EditFlags       02 00 00 00   (use a binary value for this setting)
        URL Protocol ""
-within emv key create a key "shell", then a key "open", then a key "command"
  - within command, set default value to the path to your application (see above), eg 

- within 'open' key create a 'ddeexec' key with values for:
        default         "Display" %1 (this is what will be passed to MC)
        Application     EXT   (our DDE server, you need to have the MC External 
        Topic           System   (not sure if this is required or not)

Now go to window ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab and scroll down to URL, 
you should should find a setting for URL:EMV (if you omitted the EditFlags value under 
EMV above then you will not see or be able to edit the URL:EMV values from within the 
File Types tab).  View settings... you can change values now like the application you 
are linking to etc...

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362
http://hedc.otago.ac.nz ~ http://rodney.weblogs.com

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