
I'm forwarding this to the list as well.

The purpose of the registry settings I posted is to allow you to associate a URL 
protocol with an application (in this case, an application created with MC, which 
implements the MC External DDE server).  In my case I wanted to associate a protocol 
emv with my application.

eg: if the user clicks on a link 
emv:// in a page
it will launch my MC helper application and pass the URL value to my app's DDE server.

The MC External DDE server works fine without doing any registry alterations - all you 
need to remember is that the DDE server is EXT - not the name of the application you 
have created, see my previous post.  And also, as we discuss below, to remember to 
include the ext.dll in the same directory as the application.

If you were registering a file type (eg .mxy) with your application, rather than a 
protocol as was interested in doing, you might want to include the DDE details to 
prevent multiple instances of your application opening....for more info, see:

I have created an Windows InstallerVise vct file which makes the Registry edits 
outlined in my previous post, if anyone is interested in a copy of this, just email me 
off list.


>Recently, Rodney Tamblyn wrote:
>> I misunderstood the role of importing EXT.dll as a component - it seems this
>> just binds the DLL to the stack/application.  You must also include the DLL in
>> the same directory as the application you are creating.
>Yes, I was going to run this by you in case you didn't get an answer to your
>post:  on Windows, the external (DLL) must be included in the same directory
>as your MC app; on Mac the external is imported.
>>From your post, have you surmised that editing the registry is required to
>make DDE work?  Without knowing enough about the mechanics, I assumed that
>any app with DDE capability would be able to send and receive messages, but
>perhaps this is not possible without custom keys established in the
>Thanks for your thoughts.
>Scott Rossi                       Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
>Creative Director                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                  Web:

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362 ~

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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