There were some common MetaTalk errors in your script. Since the mc engine
doesn't pass these to the user in the browser, you have to double-check your
script, and build it up in (checked) working parts. I always align the
script to ensure consistency.

Sivakatirswami wrote/ schreef:

> #!/usr/local/bin/mc
> on start up
Should be: on startUp
> if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
> read from stdin until empty
For a some reason stdin as always empty with my script. The passed data is
in the environment variable $QUERY_STRING.

I always use this to get all the parts out the query string.
Case: $QUERY_STRING is "login=Sjoerd%20Op%20%27t%20Land&vote=4&age=14
Run this:
  set itemdel to "="
  put replaceText($QUERY_STRING,"&",return) into tQuery
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in tQuery
    put urlDecode(item 2 of line i of tQuery) into \
      qParameter[item 1 of line i of tQuery]
  end repeat
  qParameter["login"] = "Sjoerd Op 't Land"
  qParameter["vote"] = "4"
  qParameter["age"] = "14"

> put it into buffer
> put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
cr *does* work for me, I don't think you need a crlf
> put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
> put buffer  
Forgot an "end if" here?
> end startup
> We installed it as "test_forms.cgi"

So, the script should be like this:


on startUp
  if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
    put $QUERY_STRING into buffer
    put "Error: method should be POST" into buffer
  end if

  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer
end startUp

Hope this helps,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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