Raymond E. Griffith wrote/ schreef:

> I have been wrestling with the POST command for some time now with little
> success.
> Here is what I want to do. I want to have a MetaCard/Revolution program sent
> a POST to a URL containing field data. The URL is a CGI that should receive
> the data and email it back to me.
> Is this so hard to do?
Difficulty is relative, but... I think its absolutely doable:
WARNING: This is from the top of my head, so...
The CGI script:
on startup
  # first make an array qParameter with all the arguments
  # as key
  set itemdel to "="
  put replaceText($QUERY_STRING,"&",return) into tQuery
     repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in tQuery
    put urlDecode(item 2 of line i of tQuery) into qParameter[item 1 of line
i of tQuery]
  end repeat

  # store the mail body in a temporary file
  put qParameter["message"] into url "file:email.txt"

  # generate the shell to be executed
  put "mail -s" && quote & qParameter["subject"] & quote && qParameter["to"]
&& "< email.txt" into eCommand
  # execute the mail command
  put shell(eCommand) into buffer
  #write minimal set of HTTP headers to stdout
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer
end startup

The MC script:
post "message=" & urlEncode(field "message body") & "&to=" & urlEncode(field
"to") & "&subject=" & urlEncode(field "subject") to
answer it

Or something like this...
> I'm having a hard time not saying bad words over my lack of success.
> *&%%$**!!!
> Any kind suggestions would be appreciated.
> Raymond 
Hope this helps,

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