I am trying to dump text from an MC field to a raw text file which has
char(10) in all places where we have a "CR" entered under script control.

The context is re-purposing Mac formatted text for email distribution from a
linux box. Import text to MC on a mac, rework, save to file, FTP to server,
linux box picks it up for email processing. and we want char(10) as the
endlines throughout.

And, also to do the same without writing to the field i.e. to process text
in a variable and simply write out the result to a text file.

This small test string, in a field:


when queried with a charToNum routine and passed back to the same field

a -- 97
 -- 10b -- 98
 -- 10c -- 99
 -- 10

So, now we are thinking "Ah ha!, no problem the file should work fine on a
UNIX machine, unlike files saved by Supercard where char(13) is the default
output, and you have to convert them back to char(10) if you want to open
the same html file on MC and have line breaks on screen." as the above
should be understand on UNIX as

a \n  b \n  c  \n

But, a routine that saves the field string


to a file returns this string in the file:

a  \r  b \r c \r 

When read by a Unix formatter? So, what's up?

Goal/Task is simple: have text dumps by MC from a Mac meet the old standard
of word wrapped lines of less than 80 chars, each ending with

If I can't do that from within MC, it means opening files in BBEdit where
you CAN save as with option for UNIX endlines. but in the long run we want
to avoid that processing task.

I am sure some of you have "been there, done that"

Any insights? I did look through the documentation, but didn't see any
solutions, or didn't recognize one as such, if it is there.


Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
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