At 6:12 PM -0700 7/28/2001, Sivakatirswami wrote:
>I am trying to dump text from an MC field to a raw text file which has
>char(10) in all places where we have a "CR" entered under script control.
> [...]
>a \n  b \n  c  \n
>But, a routine that saves the field string
>to a file returns this string in the file:
>a  \r  b \r c \r
>When read by a Unix formatter? So, what's up?

When you write a text file, MC auto-converts line endings to the
appropriate ones for the current platform. You need to write a binary file
if you want to keep the line endings intact without translation:

  put field "Whatever" into URL "binfile:someFileOrOther.txt"


  open file "someFileOrOther.txt" for binary write
  write field "Whatever" to file "someFileOrOther.txt"
  close file "someFileOrOther.txt""

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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