>I am at a cross roads with a rather large project to put a course of lessons
>on the web where extracts from four text books are compiled to create a
>"Lesson of the Day" which is determined by the ordinal day of the
>astronomical year which begins on April 13.
>Now Metacard was a "God send" in getting this job done...but now I am at a
>cross roads on the final leg with two options:
>1) Page generation locally, mc.cgi will simply pull a page:
>I can run a script "at home" which loads  html page header, body and footer
>templates, then extracts the lessons 1-365 from raws text source files and
>generate 365 lessons totally about 7 megs of data and then FTP this to the
>site and create a CGI in Metacard that simply calculates the integer for the
>day of the year and serves up the corresponding file from a directory
>2)  Have MC Generate the pages on the server
>I can move the source text and templates to the web server and convert my
>local metacard button script to a .mt script and then let the web server
>build the page each time someone hits on it.
>The latter has lots of administrative advantages even though #1 is a
>relatively simply operation should changes be required...
>But the second option forces the web server to
>   i) load three variables with small templates of html chunks
>    ii) load four variables with a total of about 2.5, meg of data from the
>books, parse out the lessons for the day, make the necessary
>insertions/concatenations into the templates and serve up the page.
>Now, the latter obviously puts a heavier burden on the web server CPU. The
>question which is beyond me is...for Apache running on a Sun Sparc Solaris,
>is option 2 a trivial task? or given that at any point in time, 5-10 people
>could be hitting on the link that invokes the CGI...would using option two
>constitute an undue burden on the CPU of the web server? I know from running
>it at home that the script to read in the data and create a single lesson is
>almost instantaneous on a G4.  Any thoughts from the experiences ones?
>this decision not only affects this project, but the whole direction for
>page deployment to the web in the future.

Another option would be to have all lessons and the html templates as custom properties
of a stack in /cgi-bin. When the script is called it formats the page from the custom
properties of the stack. Or something...

>Hinduism Today
>Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
>www.HinduismToday.com, www.HimalayanAcademy.com,
>www.Gurudeva.org, www.hindu.org
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>Info: http://www.xworlds.com/metacard/mailinglist.htm
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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