on 8/14/01 11:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

Scott said: use a crontab to  build the lesson once a day, for that day
(wish I could, but have no access to that level of the server and sysadmin
help is not part of the hosting package) or use  wait or send in...sounds
doable, (but...easily breakable)  I would also have to stay up till midnite
to start it ?? to generate tomorrow's lesson at the right time and then
initiate a "send in 24 hours" sounds tricky and I am not sure I understand
it well enough to implement in a stable way.

Andu said:

> Another option would be to have all lessons and the html templates as custom
> properties
> of a stack in /cgi-bin. When the script is called it formats the page from the
> custom
> properties of the stack. Or something...

Intriguing...never thought of accessing stacks on a server from the .mt
script... so, does accessing custom properties of a single stack represent
less of a hit on the CPU processor than reading and parsing lesson chunks
from large text files? But, this option is kind what I thought of last
night: put all the "body" contents of the lessons into 365 files (build them
at home from the different text books) then put the header and footer on
site and each time the cgi is hit it only has to read and concatenate three
small files. Thatıs really no more of a processor hit than your standard
persistent include (s) for any .shtml file...  and is probably about the
same hit in the CPU as reading the custom properties of stack? Or am I wrong
there?  The stack option would be easily implemented, if it were
substantially faster...it would only have seven custom properties totally
about 2.5 meg of data that would have to parsed out and put together to
generate one lesson each time the cgi was hit. I guess one could test the
speed at home and bench mark it against the open/read/parse files option to
determine the relative difference

Hinduism Today

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