Andrew Griffin wrote/ schreef:

> Okay, I'm not sure how I can do this.  I have one main
> stack open then I open another smaller sub-stack above
> it (so you can still see the main stack).  What I need
> is some way to make it so the user can only do things
> in the smaller stack and cannot close that stack
> unless they push a button labeled "close".  If you
> click on the main stack the smaller sub-stack drops
> back behind the main stack, so the smaller stack also
> has to remain as the toplevel stack.
> Any ideas?
When the user tries to close a window a message 'closeStackRequest' is sent.
If you don't pass it, the stack will remain open. Like this:

on closeStackRequest
end closeStackRequest

But a liitle more neater would be:

on closeStackRequest
  send "mouseUp" to button "CLose"
end closeStackRequest

So that closing the window does the same as clicking the 'Close' button.

Hope this helps.

> --Andrew Griffin
Regards, / Groeten,

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