>What you need is my new, handy-dandy HyperCard-to-MetaCard conversion
>tutorial, just released online today. There is a section about halfway
>through called "How MetaCard Menus Work" that should answer your
>question. The tutorial will work with the MC starter kit too, for those
>who are still checking things out.


As of today, however, I am legal :-)  Was a tough choice between MC 
and Rev.  I really liked a lot of things about Rev, but it was so 
unstable for me, so many crashes, that I just couldn't take the risk.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to configure MC my way :-)  (I 
can't find half the scripts in there... bah!  If they hides, sooner 
or later I will find them!)

I am delighted to know there's a good tutorial online for the menus. 
That's a tough one coming from HC.

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