"J. Landman Gay" wrote:
> Richard MacLemale wrote:
> >
> > > But I still can't get a stack to search its own fields. Are field
> > > searches a GUI thing that is impossible in an mt script?
> >
> > I think that IS the case.  So you probably have to work around that by using
> > offset or something else.
> It would probably be too hard to search a stack's fields using offset,
> since there is no way to easily tell where a field begins and ends in
> the raw data file. That kind of shoots my idea of putting a stack up on
> the web the way you can with HC cgis, I guess. I think I went astray
> because I've done the stack-on-the-web thing in HC and I was looking for
> similar behavior in MC, but I guess it isn't going to work.

It isn't going to work that way, but you're flexible (aren't you;-). You
can most likely achieve the same thing using text files: have the cgi
read/write text files.
On the other hand if you prefer the HC/appleEvent approach you can do
that in MC too exactly the same.

> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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