I wrote:
> I think I went astray
> because I've done the stack-on-the-web thing in HC and I was looking for
> similar behavior in MC, but I guess it isn't going to work.

Whoa. I accidentally did it -- it does work. :) Very cool. I didn't have
all the pieces together exactly right at any given time before.

It looks like every reference to an object has to be a long reference. I
was incorrectly using short references before. Anyway, I ended up with this:

on startup
  put $QUERY_STRING into theTerm
  put "" into buffer
  if theTerm = "" then
    put "No query submitted." after buffer
    start using "mystack.mc"
    repeat with x = 1 to the number of cds of stack "mystack"
      get fld "title" of cd x of stack "mystack"
      if it contains theTerm
      then put it &" - " & fld "author" of cd x \
         of stack "mystack" & cr after buffer
    end repeat
    stop using "mystack.mc"
  end if
  if buffer = "" then put "No titles found." into buffer
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer
end startup

So you have to loop through everything, checking each field and card,
one at a time. The stack is fairly small so it doesn't take too long.
Now I have to add in looping through all the fields, but now that the
foundation is there that shouldn't be too hard.

Thanks guys.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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